Break language barriers. Extract hardcoded or audio-based subtitles for accurate translation.

Simplified Hardcoded Subtitle Extraction

Our tool simplifies the extraction of burned-in subtitles. Upload your video, get SRT subtitles. It’s that simple.

High Accuracy

Our AI-driven tool precisely captures and extracts subtitles, ensuring accurate transcription from your videos, no matter the complexity.

100% Automated

Upload your video, and our system automatically handles the subtitle extraction. It’s a hands-off process for you, from start to finish.

Multiple Languages

Whether it’s English, Spanish, Mandarin, or any other language, our tool is equipped to accurately extract subtitles from a diverse range of languages.


Quickly receive your extracted subtitles. Our efficient AI technology speeds up the process, delivering quality results in less time.

Translation Ready

Enjoy easier translations with our accurate extractions. Subtitles are provided in SRT format, ready for precise translation.

Privacy First

Your privacy is our priority. Uploaded video files are securely processed and then deleted from our servers within 24 hours.

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